Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Run Run Ha Cha Cha Cha Baby She Goes

I feel like I have been running in so many different directions of late between my new job and still adjusting from the move. Somehow I keep adding projects to do to my plate as well! I am learning coffee may be a very needed thing over the next several weeks.

This blog post is semi LadyGaga inspired. I have been listening to Highway Unicorn probably way too much. But as it kept blasting I started to pondering about my little pony. And then I saw a friend create their own version of themselves as a little pony which lead me to not being able to resist in doing the same. 

I have been operating in PaintNet of late. It is not actually a bad program at all (I will take it over GIMP any day of the week). So for a free program, it can be a slight saving grace for someone who has been failing at re-installing Photoshop.

A few things lead to her creation. First the long mane. I cam currently working on growing my hair out to my lower back and have been also pondering tossing in a dark blonde streak into it. We will see if I end up talking myself into that. I made her pink due that being of late one of my favorite colors.  I also added a couple piercings at the top of the ear, but they are kinda hard to see. 
The Leo symbol is not just for the month I am born in but because lions in general are associated with the Strength card in Tarot.( A card which in a recent reading regarding all this transition popped up.) Something I felt fitting for my shiny new life. Especially since on my more challenging days I keep having to remind myself "I wanted this, I asked for this." Which then instantly turns my mood around. To go from nothing to having something can really change your view of life.

On a side note, I am not into unicorns despite Highway Unicorn being the creation of all of this, but I did sit there pondering for some time about adding a horn. I have a feeling I will be coming back to this eventually over time, but until then to many other projects to dive into.

Oh and for those interested: