Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? "
 -Alice In Wonderland
Sometimes life takes us into what is a various version of Wonderland. I recently entered my wonderland by moving to Moscow, Idaho to attend the University of Idaho for a degree in Virtual Tech & Design. As I have been adjusting to my life, I have come to feel like Alice. There have been moments with this move that things seem to be utter nonsense! I will spare you the details, but lets just say I now know who the plumbers and electricians are in this town now. And I am also pretty sure I keep hearing the Cheshire Cat move around and bat at my furnace randomly.

My adventures over the past few weeks with this move really lead to the inspiration of this Photoshop project. Being back on my own has re-established for me how important it is to follow my own heart. That the only person that can hold me back is myself. I made the choice to be here, and to follow this dream. Of course the decision may have carried me through some places that I didn't expect; but every time I walk back onto campus, I feel my heart race with the excitement of knowing that I have something special. The gift to be able to do what I love.

So over the rest of this blog you will be seeing me post various art and a small explanation of why it came to be. Currently the 3D figure used for this is my Avatar - Dotty Bakerly in Second Life. The program Second Life is used as part of a teaching tool for my degree. So expect to see several posts in the future pertaining to that.

Tools used from Second Life to capture and create this photo are as follows:
Pose = mine.

Skin: Tuli - Sara / Pearl
Eyes: Poetic Colors - Ocean- Blue Surf (m)
Hair: Magika - Brown Pack - Tess
Outfit: Deviance - Alice in Wonderland

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